A Weekly Blog by Annie McGee, My Mother
Mary of Magdala
“Once freed by Jesus Mary was no longer an empty being her whole life was redirected by Him.”
Mary of Magdala
Mary Magdalene is mentioned 14 times in the Gospels more than any other Mary in the Bible except for Jesus’ mother. She is in the company of other women 9 of those 14 occasions and the fact that she is mentioned first suggests that she played a leadership role among Jesus’ women followers. Her name Mary means “Loved by Yahweh” Magdalene because she came from the town of Magdala. Jesus the Great Physician delivered Mary from the possession of seven demons (some believed they were fear, low self esteem, depression, doubt, procrastination, bitterness, and self-pity). Other spirits that might have plagued her as they do some many women are jealousy, guilt, envy, discord, idolatry and an unforgiving spirit. Once freed by Jesus Mary was no longer an empty being her whole life was redirected by Him. Mary was not a prostitute as some believed she was in fact a woman of means which meant she was able to take very good care of herself as well a great financial supporter of Jesus and His ministry. In the gospel of Luke it tells us that the disciples left their occupations to join Christ and it was primarily the women who provided the funds for Jesus and his disciples. Speaking of disciples let us not forget that Mary was the first woman disciple of Christ.
- Mary heard jesus’ voice cry that His Father God had forsaken Him Matt. 27:46 Mark 15:34 - Mary remained near the cross Matt. 27:56 John 19:25 - Mary stood in the garden watching and weeping for Jesus without being asked
John 20:11-17
- Mary saw the crucifixion of Jesus Matt. 27:56, Mark 15:40
- Mary was given a message by Jesus Luke 24:10 John 20:18
- Mary remained at the empty tomb, the last place she saw Jesus and had an encounter with Him John 20:11-17 Mark 16:9
Mary openly identified with Jesus and from the time He set her free of those haunting demons she let everyone know she was a devout follower of Jesus and she truly loved Him. She was one ot the most faithful and honored disciple of Christ. It is fascinating that Jesus chose Mary to be the first to see Him after the resurrection and the first to share the Good news. It is curious that if Mary Magdalene were with us today many church pulpits would be closed to her not as a pastor but one who ministers. How wonderful that whatever hinderances to ministry may exist no one can keep us from sharing Christ with neighbors and friends. Mary Magdalene is a true model of a wounded person who was healed and made whole by the love of Christ, and called and commissioned by Him to serve in His kingdom